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Agarose Gel DNA Purification Reagent

Catlog No:K210、K220


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Product Info


        To recover DNA from agarose gel, the iPure Gel DNA Purification Kit is utilized. This kit employs magnetic bead-based DNA gel recovery and purification, offering stable and efficient recovery of DNA fragments ranging from 100 bp to 50 kb, with excellent recovery efficiency for large fragments. The operational process does not require centrifugation or vacuum filtration, making it suitable for various automated nucleic acid extraction and purification platforms.


        Wide range of recovered fragment sizes: 70 bp to 50 kb

        High binding efficiency

        High recovery efficiency for different fragment sizes

        Addresses the issue of inability to recover large fragments with column purification methods

        Stable recovery rate



Using the iPure Gel Purification Kit, DNA fragments of 2.9 kb are recovered from 1% agarose gel at different amounts,

ranging from 10 ng to 100 ng of nucleic acid DNA, achieving a recovery efficiency of >85%.



After recovering various fragments from 1% gel using iPure Gel Purification Kit, clear bands are visible on the 1% gel electrophoresis image

demonstrating the ability to recover DNA fragments ranging from 300 bp to 10,000 bp.



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Guangzhou IGE Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Email: marketing@igebio.com
QQ: 1787730693
Address: Building G1-903, South China New Materials Innovation Park, #31 Kefeng Road, Huangpu Dist. Guangzhou, Guangdong prov. China 510663

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