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Plasmid extraction service

Plasmid extraction service

Service introduction


        Plasmids are essential tools for downstream molecular biology experiments, especially for cell transfection, viral packaging, and gene therapy. High-concentration, high-quality, and endotoxin-free plasmids meet the needs of routine and high-end downstream experiments. AegiBio provides endotoxin-free plasmid small extraction, medium extraction, large extraction, and various customized services. Plasmids are guaranteed by sequencing verification and other quality assurance measures.


Service advantages

        High quality: Using our own developed kits for extraction, providing high-quality plasmids for research and transfection levels.

        Fast and efficient: Conventional plasmid extraction can be delivered within 3-6 working days.

        Personalized: Can provide a series of services such as linearization, endotoxin removal, sequencing verification, and enzyme digestion according to customer needs.



Technical procedures



Services provided

        Professional technical services: We can provide plasmid DNA preparation services of various quantities, including small, medium, and large-scale plasmid extraction services, as well as endotoxin-free plasmid extraction services.

        Ensure timely and effective communication with customers to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and to a high standard, addressing any issues that may arise during the project.

        Protect customer intellectual property: Strictly protect the information provided by customers and will not disclose it to any third parties in any form.



Sample requirements





        Please provide the relevant information of the plasmid to be extracted (resistance, copy number, size) and extraction requirements.

        If you need to sequence verify the extracted plasmid, please provide the specific sequence information or plasmid map of the plasmid.

        For special resistances, please provide antibiotics and instructions for use.



IGEBio plasmid extraction project order


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