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iPure Fecal Collection Device

Catlog No:F130

Size:1 套/盒

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Product Info

        Clinical physicians, due to the busy nature of their clinical work, often find it challenging to promptly extract intestinal microbiota from collected fecal samples. Currently, they frequently resort to immediately placing collected feces in a -20°C freezer for preservation. However, after approximately three or seven days, the extracted intestinal microbiota DNA exhibits low concentration and blurry DNA bands. This inconvenience affects clinical testing.

        This product utilizes a fecal swab and collection tube for the collection and storage of fecal samples. After collection, vigorous shaking of the collection tube ensures thorough mixing of the collected feces with the cell preservation solution contained in the tube, thereby ensuring the integrity of DNA within the fecal sample. Additionally, the sample can be stored at room temperature (15°C to 25°C) for up to 14 days.

Product Features:

    1、Safety and Contamination-Free:

    Equipped with tissue paper to ensure convenient collection of uncontaminated specimens.

    The sealed specimen collection ensures no contamination while preventing environmental pollution.

    Provides genuine, accurate, reliable, and highly repeatable test results.

    Humanized design of the fecal swab for convenient use.

    2、Room Temperature Storage with Low Energy Consumption:

    Utilizes a sample preservation formula from the US CDC, ensuring the intactness and non-degradation of microbial DNA in feces for 14 days. No high-energy-consuming refrigerator required.


Patented Product


        Patent Application Number: 2018203016429: "A Sample Collection Device for Intestinal Metagenomic Sequencing" without property disputes.


Figure 1: Results of 1% gel electrophoresis after extracting DNA from samples preserved with fecal preservation solution for 14 days (200μl).

Figure 2: Results of 1% gel electrophoresis after extracting DNA from samples preserved with PBS for 14 days (200μl).



Guangzhou IGE Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Email: marketing@igebio.com
QQ: 1787730693
Address: Building G1-903, South China New Materials Innovation Park, #31 Kefeng Road, Huangpu Dist. Guangzhou, Guangdong prov. China 510663

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